October 2025
Warsaw, Poland
The competition starts in:
Hellenic Cyber
Security Team

In recent years, the Hellenic Cyber Security Team (ECSC Team Greece) has been actively participating in the European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC) and until today has managed to meet the high requirements of the tender process, worthy challenging, technologically advanced countries.
Our main goal through this initiative is to look for new talents in the field of cyber security, through a series of demanding tests and training that begin immediately after the end of each annual event. These young people are the scientific workforce of tomorrow in the field of cyber security both in Greece and abroad.
A great supporter of the Greek effort is the Ministry of Digital Government, as well as our sponsors, who actively contribute to the National Cybersecurity Team, ensuring the right conditions for its success.
As part of the preparation of the Greek Cyber Security Team for its participation in the European Cybersecurity Challenge 2025, which will take place in Warsaw, Poland, in October 2025, the national mission, seeking outwardness and renewal, issues an open invitation for participation to all interested parties.
If you want to live this experience and become part of this national effort, expressing your interest by filling out the participation form, choose one of the following fields:
- Candidates competing in the National Cybersecurity Team (aged 15-25)
- Coaches
- Trainers, Mentors, and Volunteers
- Sponsors
- Supporters
Feel free to send us your messages via email at or through direct messages on the social media channels of the Hellenic Cyber Security Team.
The European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC)
Today, most countries lack sufficient IT security professionals to protect their IT infrastructure. The European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) is aimed at identifying new talent – by having national teams compete in a Cyber Security Challenge!
The European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC), organized by ENISA, leverages these competitions in that it adds a pan-European layer to them: The top cyber talents from each country meet to network and collaborate and finally compete against each other to determine which country has the best cyber talents. To find out which country’s team is the best, contestants have to solve security related tasks from domains such as web security, mobile security, crypto puzzles, reverse engineering, and forensics and collect points for solving them.
The European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) is an annual cybersecurity event, aimed at identifying new talent across Europe by having national teams compete in a Cyber Security Challenge!
In this competition, young cybersecurity experts compete with each other by solving security related challenges, which require technical skills such as pen-testing, as well as soft skills in order to deliver a presentation. The activities of the ECSC are supervised by this Steering Committee, made out of representatives of the attending countries which are assigned by the European Union Agency for Cyber Security (ENISA).
For Greece, the role of Steering Committee member has been assigned from ENISA to the “Systems Security Laboratory of the Department of Digital Systems” of the University of Piraeus, represented by Prof. Christos Xenakis.
The Greek National ECSC Team operates under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance which is always in close cooperation with the Hellenic Steering CommitteeCompetition Details and Participation Terms
Participation Criteria
Competitors must participate in the qualifying round and be selected among other participants. Their age must be between 15 – 25, and they must reside in the country they represent.
Qualifying & Final Round
The annual qualifying round is held locally for each participating country and serves as an open invitation for cybersecurity talents. The purpose of the qualifying round is to form the team that will compete in the finals by undertaking a set of challenges similar to those in the final round. Every year, the best competitors are selected from the qualifying round to form the respective National Cyber Security Team.
All national teams then compete in the final round of the competition, in a multi-day event that determines the country with the top cybersecurity talents in the field each year.